A Secure Safety Net
against email phishing

Detect, alert, and blocking solution!

Safety Net is a Secure solution designed specifically for Outlook email to proactively detect, alter, and block email message body phishing.

It ensures users do not accidentally click on malicious hyperlinks embedded in scam emails that get through the corporate firewall.

If the user does open a phishing email, clicks on an image with a hidden link or any link, nothing will happen! Safety Net’s proactive secure intelligence prevents malware and ransomware from being downloaded to the user machine.

It proactively monitors all incoming email messages by scanning the message body for any known or possible phishing URLs found in hyperlinks, buttons, or images embedded in the HTML body of email messages.

The most affordable solution installed as an agent on all interactive user Windows machines to be your Safety Net to Secure your Office 365 email.

anti-phsihing software

97 % of users cannot identify a phishing attack!

Stop taking risks!

It’s no longer a discussion of if a business will be attacked by spear phishing but rather a question of when?

Remove the threat now with a Secure Safety Net from Armarius Software.

Try our solution FREE for 30 days and see the difference!

How it Works

Your Administrator sets the policy to move or delete phishing emails based on policy.

Users are prompted immediately if a phishing email is in the reading pane. The user will not be allowed to open the email. IT security policy will then determine the process to manage the attempt.

An auto alert is sent to your security administrator so they know that the phishing email is on the Outlook exchange server.

What it Does

  • Actively Hunts for threats 24 x 7 x 365 days a year and does not allow accidental clicking of phishing email body button or hyperlinks by unsuspecting users
  • Rapid Detection, Response, and Remediation
  • Quarantines and Alerts within seconds
  • Allows Safe URL list to avoid false/positive email message blocking
  • Allows Block URL list always to force email message blocking if known phishing URL is contained in message body hyperlink or button
  • Intelligence learns the scammers’ next attack and blocks the continuous stream of attacks across the network

What Our Clients Say

“Phishing schemes are getting more sophisticated and employee training goes only so far. However, knowing an employee can not click on a link even if they open the email is peace of mind!

“It has dramatically decreased in our spam, phishing attempts.”

“We have already seen the difference in blocking functionality. Malicious email access is stopped from going across the network.”

“The added detection and remediation layer of functionality with my existing O365 email is our insurance policy. GREAT solution!”

If this email slipped through your net… would your email software know what is behind that button?