Why should your cybersecurity be like a Swiss Army Knife?

Just like the individual tools of the knife, each one has its purpose and effective use. Some, however, can serve multiple purposes or uses you never thought you needed.

Insider threats are very similar, you just never know what the next tool needed will be. This Swiss Army knife is like our proactive software solution with multiple tools rather than a single-blade reactive solution that gets layered onto your stack.

Our proactive software solution is an extremely cost-effective tool, with multiple uses. Because we offer a selection of tools for the price of one, you have the added value of more tools for what threats may arise and no added cost.

Our Swiss Army knife of software tools, all on one knife can do everything from:

  • Monitor insider threats from login to log off regardless of where they are working from
  • Know where all your sensitive is on your network. Who has access, and what they did do with it.
  • Proactively prevent sensitive data from being emailed, screen captured, downloaded to other devices, printed, and more!
  • Create electronic IT policies by individuals or groups. Intuitively easy to click the box to implement in seconds. Custom or template. End false positives!
  • Our solution provides regulatory compliance for HIPAA, SOX, SEC, ISO, PII, GDRP, OCC, and more.
  • Our new next-generation anti-phishing software is ideal for adding a layer of protection. + Learn how to stop QR code phishing.

Like a Swiss Army knife, there are so many other ways to use our software that you never thought of, so sign up for a 15-minute demo. Regardless of the next insider threat, Armarius software is the Swiss Army knife with multiple tools to handle any situation.

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Secure and Intelligence the affordable SaaS solution you need now!
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