Data Loss Prevention

Employee Monitoring

Data Loss Prevention

Employee Monitoring



Why should your cybersecurity be like a Swiss Army Knife?

Just like the individual tools of the knife, each one has its purpose and effective use. Some, however, can serve multiple purposes or uses you never thought you needed. Insider threats are very similar, you just never know what the next tool needed will be. This Swiss Army knife is like our proactive software solution with multiple tools rather than

Your new digital employee is now available!

A new way to automate business processes. Creating digital employees to automate data entry and processing tasks is now easy and efficient. Explore potential automation options to enhance your organization’s processes. Create automation tasks swiftly, regardless of their complexity, with ease by recording redundant data entry tasks. It is imperative to effectively manage, implement, and optimize automation on a large

Latest Cyber Threat: Quishing or QR Code Phishing Method

What is Quishing? Quishing is a phishing scam that uses QR codes to access a victim's logins. Cyber-criminals like QR codes because they can direct an unsuspecting victim to a malicious website or trick them into downloading a virus or malware and doing it in a less detectable way than other phishing methods. Because QR codes require shorter HTML source code

Insider Threats – Can you be trusted?

Join us on Wednesday October 18 at  9:00 am CT Click here to Join "Insider Threat" Monitor and manage your users access to your sensitive data working from home + hybrid or anywhere. Know now what you need to know!

From log in/out know now what you need to know!

Know what your employees are doing with your sensitive data from log in to log out. Working from home, office, or anywhere, monitor and control your user access, monitor behavior, and productivity. Everything from Printers, the Web, USB devices, personal email, and more! Search your network to locate sensitive data at rest or in motion and manage or transfer




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