How can you know what your end users are doing?
Breaching the end node User Monitoring Software As many as 70% of data breaches occur at the end node. While big technology shops can afford the complex tools and dedicated support to secure their end nodes, most smaller companies can’t. Armarius Software has a solution to this critical problem.
Your data security solution should be mandatory in all financial institutions!
Can you honestly state that you have had or hadn’t had a data breach? Can you trust your employees are doing the right thing? What you need to know now! In today’s world, It’s not a matter of If, but when a data security breach will occur within your
How one company’s software solution has stepped up the game against end node threats
How one company’s software solution has stepped up the game against end node threats and sensitive data exposure Protect Your Company From Sensitive Data Exposure Inside attacks created by the user which is the weakest link in the network where threats are initiating. Whether they are malicious or accidental,
Why are you helping your employees to hack your data?
Why are you helping your employees to hack your data? It is not a matter of if, but when a data breach will occur within your organization. Companies like yours are the next victims to hackers or even disgruntled employees who can bring your systems down or even worse